Friday, March 22, 2013

Internal Landscape

I want a great perhaps
but instead I feel in this time lapse
In my internal landscape I lost the maps

Everything is perfect before existence,
No flaws without execution
I imagine songs never sung
Stories never spun
A spark never lit
I’ll create the most beautiful dream in the world and then never fulfil it

I see it sometimes
See it in things that matter
See it in paint splatter
See it in music, it moves
I can’t see it in this air,
Can’t see it in the eyes of leaders who can not lead and people who do not care

You think I’m slow, there’s a whole universe in here you know,
Planets and stars and places nothing like earth
Black holes that sap self-worth
Mountains that are mood, forests that are feeling
The sights you would see, would have you reeling

Out there in space the words they spin, my words
But when I speak, if I speak
If I muster that courage, it’s a mere leak
No cascading waterfall, more like a drip through a stonewall
I want to construct palaces to the miracle that is languages
Instead there are only shadows of monuments built inside.
And they say it’s easy, well they lied.
Each word a brick carefully laid,
Plaster carefully made
Conversation is a bridge I can’t cross,
Small talk a world where I get lost.

Words must first struggle through fog
Fearless travelers wading through bog
Intrepid adventurers struggling through the elements
No welcome return but a reception of nonsense.

Inching closer and closer till they reach me
Even then like a blinkered carthorse I can’t see properly
Hear the words, hear the sounds
But it’s a mere collection of consonants and vowels.
I want to scream and shout, I want someone to know about
Know about what? Know about what?
That I listen but sometimes it doesn’t make sense
This existence, this present tense.
I just don’t know

And yet I don’t give much credit to the known,
It is a path walked when it could have been flown

More for the could be, the should be.
I don’t care about the real I care about the beautiful
What can be touched can be broken,
What can be thought can’t always be spoken.

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