Saturday, September 14, 2013


I keep you in my mind
It acts like a box

I keep you there
Because you seem perfect

Like some nerdish figurine collector
I want you in original packaging


I absorbed everyone in the room
And then I lost myself

In their examination
I can't see how they see me

In judging them,
I feel blank

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fireworks and Rivers

An explosion from nowhere
Eyes following the blaze as it streaks across the sky
We ooh and aah from a distance
Yet if we were any closer
We’d scream
That’s how detached I feel sometimes,
Like I’m watching a firework show
I don't want to touch but I have to watch
Aware of the danger,
Aware that I’m saved by distance
Other times they creep in like the rivers through cracks

I gasp and choke