Saturday, November 30, 2013


Can you hear me?
Of you course you can't
You can hear YOU
They're my words though,
Missing something aren't they?
My tone, my accent,
The rise and fall and stresses of sound
You'll make it up - won't you?
It might take a while
A couple of seconds
The full read
Your fourth read
(although no idea why you'd read it that many times)
But you'll never get it
What you will get though,
Is a little further from you and
A little closer to me
See it's not all about you
Did that sentence make you uncomfortable?
Is it something you pretend to know?
Or really know?
Or maybe you don't even pretend?
Maybe you just never thought about it?
Or maybe you just don't care?
Anyway maybe it doesn't matter
I just wanted you to listen to me
For just a little while

Did you hear anything?

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